Free eGuide on Leadership

Get Free Tips on Social Skills All Business Professionals Need to Know About

Research by the Center for Creative Leadership shows that the difference between leaders who derail later in their career versus those that soar to great heights is social skills (

Social skills appear in the second quadrant of Steve R. Covey’s Importance-Urgency matrix: social skills are important to a career but not urgent.

Quadrant II provides a bi-monthly opportunity for business and technical professionals to learn and try out a new social skill based on science. See examples of the newsletter below.

Quadrant II will also alert you of new Competent Collaborator blog posts, new episodes of the “Science-Based Business Success” podcast, new course offerings, and other new product and service offerings from Fulcrum Connection LLC. Sign up for the newsletter below now and receive a free eguide described to the left titled Better Leadership by and for Knowledge Workers.