Virtual Meeting Mastery Course

Virtual Meeting Mastery: How to Lead Virtual Meetings that Produce the Most Results for the Investment is a comprehensive, step-by-step approach drawn from over 10,000 hours of experience as an in-person Certified Professional Facilitator plus 5 years of on-line experience facilitating meetings to lead virtual meetings that participants rate as a great experience.

Virtual meetings are a challenge because while a virtual meeting can be easier to schedule than a co-located meeting, virtual meetings require more intentionality from meeting leaders than co-located meetings. Atlassian surveyed 5,000 knowledge workers in March 2024 and discovered that meetings are ineffective 72% of the time because of lack of clarity for the meeting purpose, the steps to meet the meeting purpose, and the role of participants in the meeting. Intentionality as a meeting leader means being clear on the meeting purpose, the steps to achieve the purpose, and the role of meeting participants in achieving that purpose.

Virtual Meeting Mastery includes ways to leverage the benefits of virtual meetings, ways to work within the constraints of virtual meetings, the keys to remote meeting leadership, avoiding the barriers to remote meeting leadership, experiencing the host and participant perspectives of a remote meeting platform, designing norms for virtual meetings, optimizing virtual meeting return on investment, designing a great remote meeting, and facilitating virtual meetings that participants love.

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