How to Maximize On-Line Learning According to Neuroscience
The COVID-19 global pandemic is moving learning out of the classroom and online. But, according to the neuroscience of adult learning, there are three simple ways to maximize an on-line learning experience. First, find a space for on-line learning that provides very few distractions so you can have focused attention for the lecture portions of the online learning. Second, get in a slightly positive mood before the session by doing something you love or watching a favorite funny video. Third and finally, generate connections between new content and what you already know and between new content and how to apply it to your current situation. Hopefully, the instructor provides reflection time or exercises to help with this third step of generating connections. Rest assured that the instructor for AIChE’s (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) new live online PEAK (Providing Effective And Knowledgeable) Leadership workshop does provide exercises for learners to generate helpful connections. AIChE’s PEAK leadership program consists of the live online PEAK leadership workshop and extensive on-line content generated by corporate leadership veterans. The next offering of the live online PEAK Leadership workshop is on Monday October 26th, 2020 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your leadership skills to improve things for the better! Register here:
Dr. Valerie Patrick is back for a fourth year leading AIChE’s PEAK (Providing Effective And Knowledgeable) Leadership Workshop only this year it is live online! Participants enjoy Dr. Patrick’s interactive format, research-based tools, evidence-based practical tips, and detailed participant manual with supplemental information. Dr. Patrick has over 10,000 hours of experience leading teams in a corporate environment and shares the top mindsets and skills needed to master team leadership in the workshop. The workshop includes research-based content and interactive exercises to apply the content. Learn more here: