Competent Collaborator Blog


Concept and Value of Intangible Assets

Value Creation through Integrated People Management

Value creation through integrated people management is exemplified by the integrated reporting movement that leading...
Extracting Value from Intangible Capital

015 – How to Increase Value with Intangible Capital

In this episode, Mary Adams, a leading U.S. expert on intangible capital and co-author of...

014 – A Neuroscientific Approach to Improving Collaboration

In this episode, Dr. Dawna Markova, a neuroscientist and author of over a dozen books,...
How the Brain Makes the Simple Complicated

How the Brain Makes the Simple Complicated

This blog post on how the brain makes the simple complicated was inspired by my...
Your Brain on Collaboration

Your Brain on Collaboration

I got interested in your brain on collaboration when Laurie Weingart, in my podcast interview...

013 – Research-Based Ways for Conflict to Improve Performance

In this episode, Dr. Laurie Weingart, Carnegie Bosch Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory and...
Working Together Effectively

012- Time-Tested Ways of Working Together

In this episode, John Vespasian, author of seven books that provide recommendations for thriving in...
How Context Puts Content to Work

The Power of Context to Put Content to Work

The idea for this post about the power of context to put content to work...
How to Write Well About Technical Topics

How to Write About Technical Topics Effectively

The idea for this post about how to write about technical topics effectively came from...
How to Communicate Risk

011- The Effective Way to Communicate Risk

In this episode, Dr. Baruch Fischhoff, an internationally known expert on risk and decision science...