Competent Collaborator Blog


Navigating Dangerous Waters at Work

Navigating Dangerous Waters at Work to Achieve Success

Navigating dangerous waters at work to achieve success could be the title of my autobiography....
Enabling Collaboration on Your Team

005- Secrets to Enabling Collaboration in Your Team

In this episode, I describe a diagnostic tool called Team Collaboration Assessment. The tool provides...

004 – How Facilitation Stops Groups from Preventing Innovation and Change

In this episode, Bill Shephard, creative problem solving expert and professional facilitator for the Creative...
Facilitation Explained

Facilitation Perception to End the Misconception

Facilitation perception to end the misconception explores why misconception about what facilitation is persists from...
Building Design

003- Integrative Design for New Ways to Improve Building Performance

In this episode, Leslie Billhymer, an architect and lecturer at University of Pennsylvania, talks about...
Renewable Energy

002- How Competitors are Joining Forces to Address Mega Challenges

In this episode, Andrew Winston, author of The Big Pivot, talks about the impact of...
Group Creativity

001- Research-Based Ways to Improve the Creativity of Groups

In this episode, Dr. Keith Sawyer, author of Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration,...
It Takes a Team to do User-Centered Design

It Takes a Team to do User-Centered Design

It takes a team to do user-centered design because there are many touch-points between a...
How to Know When You Need Facilitation

To Facilitate or Not to Facilitate Innovation

To facilitate or not to facilitate innovation goes beyond the want or need for innovation....
Learning Creativity Innovation Continuum

The Learning-Creativity-Innovation Continuum

This blog post was inspired by Fulcrum Connection’s Science of Success podcast interview with creativity...